Changing Markets with Global Pandemic Needs Changing Habits Digitally

3 min readApr 12, 2021


We are very sure that you are, at least by now, very much in agreement with the headline of this article. The world post the COVID-19 Pandemic is a completely different place. Digitalization has taken over every sector since all industries were forced to take their operations online. Whether you talk about schools, colleges — the educational industry, or the entertainment industry.

Even the café and restaurant business was forced to go online to make a sale. And all this was started to stop the virus, but it did make a huge impact on business’s profit margins since work was stopped, even for a while. It took time for businesses to understand how to run a business online properly but now, this “once upon a time barrier” is also their biggest strength.

Transformation to new business functions

Offline work is important, no doubt. But digitalization has made many jobs easier, convenient, and efficient. Now, we can label many functions that happened inside an office that is now done over online platforms, and one example is corporate meetings. But what about the day-to-day routine of businesses?

Business is run by the people, who are allocated various designations and authorities, and proper documentation requires these authorities to verify and sign. A simple example would be banks. Since social distancing rules and work from home were implemented, the signing of documents became a concern for organizations all around the world. But there is a solution to that as well! Online digital signature service has allowed digital signatures to various enterprises to keep running the business by making the authorities verify and forward the processing of various documents or items. It was a challenge, yes, but in the digital era, all these issues are coverable.

Digital signs allow a person to move forward with an authenticated permission to carry out certain jobs. Now the biggest concern relating to this service was “How this digital sign service work?”. The digital signs comprise four crucial elements that allow proper authentication and respect over a work order. These elements are:

· Consent

· Intent

· Verification

· Auditability

The way this service works is that they will take the document, process it to create encryption, and then add the various signs and verification required that will be provided from you into the document. This makes the work a streamlined process of proper documentation.

Instead of the old filing system, digitalized documents are easier to manage, search through, are in proper order, and will not take any space over your desk. Online document digital service guarantees proper confidentiality of documents, and no leak is allowed at any process.

Why is this critical approach?

The discussion or debate between traditional or conventional against modernized version or digital is an everlasting debate. Since people have a tough time analyzing new ways of operations and also building trust. But with the lockdown during the COVID-19 Pandemic, it was essential for businesses to keep their operations running, and this also improves on safety of staff.

Digital services have always improved in handling and organizing various functions. With digital sign service, you can keep track of all the records in the order that they need to be, along with the signs and authentications from various departments. It reduces the cost as you don’t need to waste money and resources by using paper. The old filing cabinet will have no use as all the important documents will be organized in a categorized manner for you to keep. Thus, this service becomes an innovative method of running a business and has the potential to take all the documentation to a digital platform.




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